Potomac Day 2013

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Potomac Day 2013

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Matthew Schick of Landon and Marissa Michaels of Holton Arms, Co-Youth of the Year, wait …

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Jean Roesser, left, and Elie Pisarra Cain. Jean Roesser, former State Senator, was honored as …

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Ann Roesser, her mother Jean Roesser and Elie Pisarra Cain.

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Very Hungry Caterpillar with Karen Currie of the Friends of the Library.

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Burton Goldstein and his wife with their four certified therapy dogs. Burton is on the …

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Barbara Hoover and another volunteer manned the booth for West Montgomery County Citizens Association.

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Sam Lerner of Potomac Village Deli and Potomac Pizza greets old friends at Potomac Day.

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Upside down, carnival rides.

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Flying down the slide.

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John Phillips of Squeals on Wheels gives pony rides.

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One great climber.


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