Strawberry Spectacular - Annual event held at Potomac United Methodist Church. on Saturday, May 18.

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Strawberry Spectacular - Annual event held at Potomac United Methodist Church. on Saturday, May 18.

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Kim Rehmann (left) and Tracy Spencer sell flowers.

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From left: Hope, Justin and Jeff Hetrick.

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Karil Billings and Caroline Brown sell tickets to the Strawberry Festival last weekend at Potomac …

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Kory (left) and Kerry Billings dip strawberries in chocolate for sale.

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Chocolate strawberries

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From left: Jordan Czerwiec paintsthe faces of Noah Guiterman and Sam Pozefsky.

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Jordan Czerwiec (left) and Zac Wallace.

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Elise Scott, Chief Leaf at Pearl Fine Teas, is a vendor at the festival.


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