Taste of Potomac

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Taste of Potomac

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Michael Kolodin sold raffle tickets. He says, "My sisters were adopted. They are great!"

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Chefs from Old Angler's Inn produce short ribs.

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Silent auction items

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Janine Craig of The Hunter's Inn

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Chris Martens, auctioneer extraordinaire

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Leon Harris entertains the audience while Steve Buckhantz and Janice Goldwater look on

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Honoree Marty Janis with wife Leslie and Lisa Raker

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The Reles family

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Fifteen-year-old Arlene Reles addresses the audience. She is surrounded by her family and Janice Goldwater, …

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Judy Sebring with Ricky Oxendine enjoying the Taste of Potomac.

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Laura Elsey’s children, Polly, 21; Jake, 19; Ray, 14, and Millie 12.

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Chefs from Rockland's Barbeque and Grilling Company serve up pulled brisket and chicken sliders.


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