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County Dribbles to Goal

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County Council President Roger Berliner faced an angry crowd in Potomac last week, in contrast to the banners behind him.

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Emergency Legislation Could Impact Brickyard

County executive and council authority on land disposition to be discussed at Tuesday’s public hearing.

Council President Roger Berliner faced more than 100 angry citizens in January, the day before County Executive Isiah "Ike" Leggett and the county issued a request for proposals to build soccer fields on Brickyard Road.

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County Dribbles to Goal

County issues request for proposals for soccer fields on Brickyard Road farm site.

Council President Roger Berliner (D-1) looked to the colorful banners in Potomac Presbyterian Church — "peace, love, joy" — before he alerted more than a hundred angry citizens that Isiah "Ike" Leggett and the county would issue its request for proposals to build soccer fields on Brickyard Road the next day.


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