Tuesday, January 31

Wellbeing: Cybercycling for Better Health
Exergaming — exercise combined with video games — might offer a greater cognitive benefit than traditional exercise alone.
The same staccato beeps and flashing graphics that keep some youth glued to video games might also boost cognitive function in senior citizens.
Editorial: About Halfway
Always entertaining, the high-stakes session of the Virginia General Assembly reaches new heights this month.
The user-friendly website for the Virginia General Assembly plus live-streaming of the legislative sessions might make you believe that most of the important decisions in Richmond are being made out in the sunshine.
Monday, January 30
Whitman Attempting To Fill Ceccone’s Scoring Void
Vikings struggle offensively during loss to Walter Johnson.
With leading scorer Angelica Ceccone sidelined for nearly a month — and possibly for the remainder of the season — due to lingering effects of a knee injury suffered last season, Whitman has relied on a committee approach for picking up the offensive slack. On Friday, however, the Vikings didn’t have a player score more than six points as Whitman produced its lowest offensive output of the season.
Sunday, January 29
Potomac Sports Briefs
The Churchill girls basketball team defeated Walter Johnson 80-63 on Jan. 13, improving its record to 10-2 while extending its winning streak to nine games.
Saturday, January 28
Geenen’s Unselfish Play Leads Churchill to Victory
Senior grabs 15 rebounds against Walter Johnson.
Churchill senior Thomas Geenen, sporting long blue sleeves, squared up in the left corner and, with a smooth stroke, buried his first 3-pointer of the season during the second quarter against Walter Johnson on Jan. 13. After the game, Geenen, teammate Sam Edens and head coach Matt Miller each acknowledged the display of perimeter potency. However, Geenen’s biggest contributions to Friday’s victory over the rival Wildcats were prolonging possessions and finding ways to get quality shots for his teammates.
Friday, January 27
This Week in Potomac
Week in Potomac: West Montgomery Meeting, Kosher Bagel Shop to Open, Fire Volunteers Elect Board, Former C&O Ranger Killed, Sign Up for Organic Food
Nation’s River Is ‘Struggling’
Volunteers encouraged to join clean-up effort.
The Potomac River is struggling, according to the Potomac Conservancy’s State of Nation’s River. The Conservancy cites the challenge of protecting the river in a variety of settings in its annual report, which lowered the letter grade given to the health of the river late last year to a "D." Since 2007, the grade has been "D+."

Appeal Filed over Oaklyn Tennis Bubble
West Montgomery County Citizens Association has formally challenged the Montgomery County Circuit Court ruling that permitted the Potomac Swim and Recreation Association to install and operate its tennis bubble on Oaklyn Drive.

3,000 Burgers
Potomac welcomes Five Guys Burger restaurant.
The new "Five Guys Burger and Fries" restaurant in Potomac Promenade shopping center is attracting a lot of attention — and customers. The burger chain is booming from the time it opens at 11 a.m. until 10 p.m.

Holy Child Leads Horse Competition
Competing against 16 other teams, Connelly School of the Holy Child's "riding tigers" tied for top honors at the recent JV horse show in the Inter School Horse Show competition. Competitions are held monthly at schooling barns, with 37 teams from the metropolitan area in the league.

Tots in Transition
Shoe Train hosts transitional psychologist for walkers, parents.
The Shoe Train at Cabin John Mall will host Dr. Julie Bindeman on Jan. 30 as the first in a series of speakers on early childhood development. Bindeman, a clinical psychologist who practices in Rockville, notes that the transition from crawler to walker is the first major step toward autonomy.

Workshops Aid Families with Special Needs
Experts guide families through process.
Maedi Tanham Carney says her oldest daughter was born with medical and cognitive issues that would prevent her from living independently. Like many parents of children with special needs, Carney worried about what would happen when she was no longer able to care for her child.

Healthy Eating Option in Potomac
Local restaurant named one of healthiest in America.
Lunch hour at Founding Farmers in Potomac is bustling. Waiters hustle to serve ravenous midday diners. Orders for salads of Belgian endive and spinach sprinkled with blue cheese and balsamic onions roll into the kitchen. Pristine plates piled high with as much local and organic produce as possible roll out.
Letter: Out-of-Touch County Council
Finally, the Montgomery County Council issues a Request for Proposal to turn an organic farm on Brickyard Road into a soccer complex. Interesting timing. Only after a persistent uproar from the people whose communities would be impacted by such a complex, did the County Council issue this proposal.
Thursday, January 26

Moderate Mutiny
Former governor wants to impose Virginia “talent economy” on Washington; increase bipartisanship.
With the sluggish economy at the forefront of voters’ minds this year, former Democratic Gov. Tim Kaine hopes to put fiscal issues at the top of his campaign to fill the seat vacated by Democratic U.S. Sen. Jim Webb.

Politics of Notification
Father takes his plight for increased parental notification to Richmond.
Steve Stuban can’t help but wonder if things could have turned out differently.
Council Notebook
Smoking is still legal in Alexandria, but it’s increasingly discouraged.
In Session
Now that congressional redistricting has moved through the House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate, a picture of 2012 is beginning to take shape

West End Worries
Beauregard small-area plan raises concerns about displacing poor residents.
Like the street that bears his name, Confederate Gen. Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard was difficult to manage.

It’s Done, Sort Of
Controversial plan passes on 5-to-2 vote; opponents vow to overturn.
After hearing more than eight hours of heated testimony for and against a controversial plan to allow hotels and increase density at three sites on the waterfront, Alexandria City Council members cast a party line vote on the planning documen

Protesting the Vote
Alexandria officials say City Hall is not open for business during a public hearing.
Is City Hall open for business during a public hearing? Alexandria officials say no, but that could be a matter litigated in the Alexandria Circuit Court.
Wednesday, January 25
Column: For All I Know…
Skipping my monthly targeted treatment (Avastin) because my kidneys are under stress might be a good thing. It might mean my body doesn’t need (it certainly doesn’t want) to be infused.
Tuesday, January 24
Recognized for Outstanding Performance
Bruce L. Green, regional vice president of Weichert, Realtors, announced the Reston/Herndon office was recognized for outstanding performance in December.
Claudia Marie Chaillé, 68, of Reston, Dies
Claudia Marie Chaillé, 68 of Reston and Waimanalo, Hawaii passed away on Jan. 18, 2012.
Column: Soulless Ant Colony
That is what a reporter for Norfolk’s Virginian Pilot called Reston in a column recently.
Column: Hidden Candidates
Besides a race for President in 2012, we have elections for one-third of 100 U.S. Senate seats and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives.

Dranesville Student Wins Helmet Competition
Nasim and Subia Khan drove all the way from Herndon to Richmond to celebrate their daughter’s achievement.

Finding Winter Fun, Vienna-Style
Cold-weather activities abound if you know where to look.
It’s not just the children who need fun winter activities … grown-ups, families, everyone looks for things to do when it’s dark by 6 p.m. and cold outside.
Column: Battles to Preserve Voter Access
Assembly is seeing numerous bills to limit participation at all levels of voting.
The 2012 General Assembly is in full swing. The committees are selected and legislation filed. Some of the sharpest battles are forming on the issue of voter access.

Run-a-Thon Raises Almost $25K for New School Track
More than 600 students run in support of project.
After collecting final donations in early December, the Marshall Road Elementary School (MRES) PTA announced that it raised almost $25,000 in support of its initiative to build a new school track. P
Concetta "Connie" (Botte) Massa died Jan. 20, in Iowa City, IA
Concetta "Connie" (Botte) Massa, 97, who lived in Vienna for 40 years, died Jan 20, 2012 in Iowa City, Iowa, after a short illness.
John F. Ellis, 68, of Vienna, Dies
John Francis Ellis, 68, passed away peacefully while in the care of Coastal Hospice at the Lake in Salisbury, Md. on Jan. 18.

Petersen, Keam Discuss Richmond Agenda
State Sen. Chap Petersen and Del. Mark Keam conduct Town Hall meeting at American Legion.
Transportation, transportation, transportation. While other topics, such as education funding, arose at the Jan. 21 Town Hall meeting conducted by Virginia Sen. Chap Petersen [D-34] and Del. Mark Keam [D-35], it was Vienna-area transportation problems – funding and execution of projects – that local residents voiced most concern and frustration over.
Vienna Kitchen Gets Spicy
Scientist turns her skills to blending spices.
Stepping into Deepa Patke’s Vienna kitchen is like walking into a parfumerie for foodies…Indian food foodies.

Chamber Installs 2012 Board
Lisa Huffman welcomed as new ViennaTysons Regional Chamber president.
On Jan. 19, the ViennaTysons Regional Chamber of Commerce [VTRCC] installed its 2012 Board of Directors in a luncheon program at Maggiano’s at Tysons Galleria.
Scouts Receiving Eagle Scout Honors
Three Boy Scouts from Troop 869 of Trinity United Methodist Church in McLean will receive their Eagle Scout awards at a Court Honor to be held on Jan. 29 at St. Thomas Episcopal Church

Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy
The week before the holiday celebrated in his honor, Churchill Road students learned about Martin Luther King, Jr.
Forum on Stopping Dating Abuse
"What's Love Got To Do With It? Healthy Relationships and Dating," an educational interactive program will be held Thursday, Feb. 9 at 7 p.m. in the McLean High School auditorium (1633 Davidson Road in McLean).

Cleaning Up at Churchill Road
Webelo Pack #665 coordinated a clean-up at Churchill Road School campus on Saturday, Jan. 14.

Collage Workshop at Churchill Road
On Jan. 13, Churchill Road fourth graders participated in a collage workshop taught by McLean Project for the Arts ArtReach Director Sharon Fishel.

Saving Dolphins in Great Falls
‘Dolphin Tale’ rescuer visits Forestville Elementary.
On Wednesday, Jan. 18, Aquatic first-responder and educator Brandon Paquin spoke to students at Forestville Elementary. Paquin is one of the marine biologists who helped to rescue and rehabilitate Winter, the dolphin featured in the film "Dolphin Tale.
PTA Reflections Program
The theme of the 2010/2011 PTA Reflections program was "Diversity means..."The PTA Reflections Program was described by its founder, Mary Lou Anderson, as "almost too simple." That simplicity—of asking children to express themselves artistically based on a common theme—is the foundation of this long-standing PTA program.
Monday, January 23
Weekly Entertainment (Vienna/McLean/Great Falls)
Jan. 25-Jan. 31
Weekly entertainment in the Vienna/McLean/Great Falls area.
Letter: Unethical Behavior
Letter to the Editor: Unethical Behavior -- What else is the County covering up regarding its Brickyard giveaway?
Friday, January 20

Preston Mulford Is Mourned
Local family patriarch dies at 82.
Well-known in the local area, the Mulfords have lived and operated the Mulford School here for decades. But on Jan. 6, the family’s patriarch, Preston Mulford, died at age 82.
Getting Help for Teen Substance-Abusers
If teens want to obtain drugs or alcohol in the local area, it’s fairly easy for them to do so. But it’s also just as easy to get them help for their addictions.
The Horrors of Heroin Use
Three local residents share their stories.
It’s not easy to stand in public and bear one’s soul about life’s most tragic moments, but that’s what Tayler Gibson, Greg Lannes and Greg Richter did recently. Addressing the Sully District Police Station’s Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), they described in detail how heroin had affected their lives.

Chantilly High Presents Cinderella’s Untold Story
Children’s show is Jan. 27-29.
Although the story of Cinderella is one that’s well-known, leave it to Chantilly High to tell it in a new and hilarious way.

Alliance Gets Several WATCH Nods
Nominated for community theater awards.
Two musical productions of the Centreville-based, community-theater company, The Alliance Theatre — “Hairspray” and “Little Shop of Horrors — have been nominated for a number of WATCH awards for last year's season.

Yorktown Aquatic Center Opens
The newly completed Yorktown Aquatic Center held a ribbon cutting and grand opening on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 15.
“Flourishing After 55”
“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington’s Office of Senior Adult Programs for Jan. 30 - Feb. 4.
Little Theatre Earns 43 WATCH Nominations
'Hairspray' is top area production with 22 nods.
With an astounding 43 nominations, The Little Theatre of Alexandria led the way as the Washington Area Theatre Community Honors announced the nominees for the 2012 WATCH Awards Jan. 15 at the Birchmere Music Hall.

Senior Skaters Have High Old Time at Iceplex
Weekly morning skate attracts seniors.
Question: Where can you find 40 people over 55 swooping in circles for an hour early Monday mornings? Answer: The top of an eight story parking garage leased from Arlington County which also serves as home to the Washington Capitals. Explanation: Ice skating.
'25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee'
LTA production spells success.
It's an American institution that millions of children have suffered through — the spelling bee — and contestants in the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee are preparing for the county championship in this lively production of the Tony Award-winning musical now playing at The Little Theatre of Alexandria.

Taste the Challenge
1K wine walk promotes Crystal City shopping.
Long distance races require advanced preparation, determination and grit. 1K wine walks, on the other hand, require a willingness to step outside of boundaries and try new tastes.
Winfred Winans (Fred) Charlot Dies
Winfred Winans (Fred) Charlot, 49, died at his home in Buena Vista on Dec. 27, 2011 after battling esophageal cancer.
Insightful Technology
Advances in technology levels the playing field for people who are blind.
Ian Elliott is a contract specialist for Boeing, and knows how to read the fine print. Unlike many who deal in contracts, however, Elliott is legally blind.
Letter: Additional Work Needed
As a member of Alexandria’s Waterfront Work Group, I participated in the recently completed review of the City’s waterfront plan.
Time To Dig Deeper
It is time for the closing arguments for and against the City Waterfront Plan.

Inked in Arlington
DC Tattoo Expo draws crowds and bodywork.
Ink aficionados from across the country crowded the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington for the second DC Tattoo Expo, held Jan. 12-15. Organizers estimated that twice as many people were in attendance as the previous year’s event.
A Concept, Not a Plan
I attended almost all of the meetings last fall of the Waterfront Plan Working Group appointed by Mayor Euille.
It’s About Quality of Life
Look around Alexandria. What percentage of Old Town is actually old?
Waterfront Plan Deserves Approval
It has been nearly three years since Alexandria kicked-off the Waterfront Small Area Plan-making process with a public forum at City Hall. In that time, I’ve had the privilege of participating as a member of the Waterfront Committee and Waterfront Plan Work Group. Today, however, I’d like to share my personal reasons for supporting the Waterfront Plan.
Don't BRAC Waterfront
It is until Jan. 21, anyway. That’s when the majority Democratic City Council will hold a final public hearing on the waterfront plan. Democrats on council appear to have already decided to give 8.5 acres of prime historic river shoreline away to developers for what amounts to little more then the gilded and glitzy promise of tax revenue and a "waterfront for all."
Make It Distinctive
Although I strongly support the city’s waterfront plan, I believe it has a major flaw: It does not provide enough funding for the features needed to transform the area into a truly vital, distinctive place.
Delay Vote
As a final City Council vote on the Waterfront Small Area Plan draws near, I wish to make several points to clarify issues and dispel myths about the Small Area Plan.
Increased Density
The jumble of letters in last week’s Gazette supporting the waterfront plan either ignores important facts, misrepresents facts or makes statements that are nonsensical in the context of the waterfront debate.
Tread Lightly
It seems everyone is "weighing in" on the proposed Alexandria waterfront plan.
Comparing Waterfront Plans
Recently a flyer concerning the Alexandria Waterfront is being circulated by CAAWP.

United We Serve
Volunteer Fairfax mobilizes more than 1,100 residents to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy.
Sitting together at large round tables, children and their parents cut out pink and red paper hearts, pasting them on cards for nursing home patients, or stuffed socks and blankets into kits for the homeless.

‘Fears and Phobias’ Serves Up Diverse Views on Fear
New exhibit at Torpedo Factory runs through Feb. 19.
At the Tornado Factory's new exhibit, "Fears and Phobias," artists were given the opportunity to explore that which makes people afraid or anxious.

Lake Accotink Bald Eagle
A pair of Bald Eagles are once again working on their nest at Lake Accotink Park in Springfield for the winter nesting season.

Therapeutic Riding Program Acquires Permanent Home
Equine therapy nonprofit purchases Little Full Cry Farm in Clifton.
The Northern Virginia Therapeutic Riding Program (NVTRP) recently announced the purchase of Little Full Cry Farm, a 17-acre property located in Clifton.
Column: Session Ahead Includes Opportunities for Progress
Last week, Virginia's 100 state delegates and 40 state senators gathered in Richmond to begin the 2012 General Assembly session.
Counting the Homeless
… And making the homeless count.
Alexandria is often described as an affluent community. One recent report pegged the median income at $102,000, not the highest in the area, but not low.
Workhouse Theatre Kicks Off Inaugural Season
The Lorton Arts Foundation has announced the inaugural season of its own Workhouse Theatre. Based in the Workhouse Arts Center’s newly renovated building W-3, it is one of only three professional theater companies in Northern Virginia. Workhouse Theatre will launch its season with the play "ART" from Jan. 20-Feb 26, 2012.
Lake Mercer Bald Eagle
A number of Bald Eagles have been spotted recently at Lake Mercer in Fairfax Station.
State Legislature Begins with Bill on Personhood
As Virginia begins the 2012 Legislative session, many issues are at the forefront in the minds of the residents of the Commonwealth: jobs, transportation, and education.

"Progeny" at GMU’s School of Art
Beginning Feb. 1, George Mason University’s School of Art and the African and African American Studies Program present "Progeny," a photography exhibition that is the first collaborative effort between Deborah Willis, an artist who received her doctorate in cultural studies from George Mason University in 2000, and her son, Hank Willis Thomas.

A Computer for Every PVI Student
Paul VI announces laptop program for incoming freshman class.
The School Board of Paul VI Catholic High School and the Office of Catholic Schools of the Arlington Diocese recently approved Paul VI’s business plan to implement a student laptop program.

GMU's Center for the Arts Presents Aquila Theatre 'Macbeth'
"Fair is foul and foul is fair" in this acclaimed British/American touring company’s rendering of Shakespeare’s classic tragedy. In this brutal and chaotic tale, nothing is as it seems and men combat their own madness and fates.

Task Force Presents ‘Common Sense’ Proposals
Allowing schools to open before Labor Day part of task force recommendations.
Repeal of the "Kings Dominion law," which requires Fairfax County schools to obtain a state waiver to open schools before Labor Day, is high on the list of legislative priorities announced Monday, Jan. 16, by Governor Robert McDonnell.

County Dribbles to Goal
County issues request for proposals for soccer fields on Brickyard Road farm site.
Council President Roger Berliner (D-1) looked to the colorful banners in Potomac Presbyterian Church — "peace, love, joy" — before he alerted more than a hundred angry citizens that Isiah "Ike" Leggett and the county would issue its request for proposals to build soccer fields on Brickyard Road the next day.
$2.4 Billion School Budget Proposed
Budget includes new positions, salary increases to address growing student population.
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Superintendent Jack D. Dale presented a $2.4 billion budget proposal to the school board on Jan. 12, reflecting a nine percent – or $202.3 million increase - in next year’s operating budget.

‘Surface Appeal’
At The Art Gallery
This month The Art Gallery of Potomac will present an art exhibition titled "Surface Appeal." The show will feature paintings by artists Millie Shott and Martha Spak.

Robinson Stages Fashion Show
On Jan. 11, the students of the Robinson Secondary School DECA club, a chapter of an international organization aimed at preparing high school students for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management, held its sixth annual DECA Fashion Show, showcasing the designs and fashion-stylings of DECA members at Robinson.
Richmond Diary: Re-writing the Rules
State senator reflects on the first week of the 2012 General Assembly session.
I packed up the car and stopped by a constituent’s house to pick up information regarding 100 percent disabled veterans whose homes are in trusts, and who are not receiving the intended property tax relief.
Thursday, January 19
Local Housing Market: 2011 Mirrors 2010
McLean and Great Falls housing wrap up for 2011.
The tallies are in for 2011 and in the real estate markets of McLean and Great Falls, 2010 turned out to be "fairer" in terms of the number of transactions compared to 2011, but just by small margins

Chocolate Festival Comes to McLean
Inaugural festival to be held Jan. 29 at Community Center.
Like chocolate? The McLean Rotary club, along with the Governing Board of the Community Center, is calling all chocolate lovers to the McLean Community Center on Sunday, Jan. 29 from noon to 5 p.m. for the inaugural McLean Chocolate Festival.

‘Patterns’ Exhibition Opens Online In New Show by Great Falls Artists
Fifty paintings, ceramics, sculptures, photographs, lithographs and other art pieces notable for their striking patterns will be on display through the end of January in an exhibition featuring works by 22 artists who live or work in Great Falls.

Grand Re-Opening of Reston Sport&Health Club
Over 1,000 people enjoyed the Grand Opening Celebration of Reston Sport&Health Club, Monday, Jan. 9.
Letter: Oversight Responsibility?
Letter to the Editor regarding the unethical conduct of Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett, for clandestinely re-purposing taxpayer-supported public school property located on Brickyard Road in Potomac without due public process.

M.L.K Concert Rocks
Reston Community Orchestra gathers together and celebrates.
Saturday, Jan. 14 the Reston Community Orchestra, known for its interpretation of Baroque, Classical and Romantic music, had the audience jumping with its presentation of Spirituals and crowd pleasing Duke Ellington numbers.
Letter: Unsubstantiated Allegations
Letter to the Editor
In the past two months, John Lovaas ("Independent Progressive") published two columns alleging that the Fairfax County Police have killed several civilians without justification.

Reston Community Players Garner WATCH Nominations
Three productions receive 15 nods for RCP.
The Reston Community Players garnered 15 nominations as the Washington Area Theatre Community Honors announced the nominees for the 2012 WATCH Awards Jan. 15 at the Birchmere Music Hall in Alexandria.

Honey Ogens Bakes with Feeling
A hobby turns into a career.
Honey Ogens launched the Honey Bee Baking Company last year from her Glenolden Drive home. She began baking many years ago because it made her feel relaxed and happy. When her children, Matt and Elissa came home from school, she always had home-baked goods ready for them.
Column: Over a Cup of Coffee
My pre-session public hearings are always informative. The hearings help me gauge public opinion on a variety of issues. And constituents provide excellent suggestions on state government.

Elden Street Players Garner 22 WATCH Award Nominations
"Ain't Misbehavin'" leads with 11 nods.
The Elden Street Players garnered 22 nominations as the Washington Area Theatre Community Honors announced the nominees for the 2012 WATCH Awards Jan. 15 at the Birchmere Music Hall in Alexandria.
A Spirited Musical
Elden Street Players present ‘Rooms, A Rock Romance.’
Youthful dreams and ambitions while searching for love makes for "a perfect little winter romantic musical; really an affectionate love letter to an audience," said award-winning veteran director Todd Huse of "Rooms, A Rock Romance." The next Elden Street Players offering is sweet and edgy as it tells "the tale of a relationship of two polar opposites" through music and lyrics.

Potomac’s Matt Belford, Champion Skier — Now Teaches
He also heli-guides In Alaska.
Twenty-three years ago, The Potomac Almanac published the story of 14 year-old local skier Matt Belford. Fast-forward to 2012 where Belford splits his time between Jackson Hole Mountain Resort as an instructor and Rendezvous Mountain Lodge where he serves as a heli-ski guide, coaching adventure-seekers through the steep and deep powder of the Valdez mountain range.
Playtodaydc.com Launches Vienna Partnership
Website connects moms looking for activities with local groups and businesses.
It really wasn’t much of a leap for Vienna systems engineer and mom Elisa Kepner to apply her capacity planning expertise to creating a website that connects local mothers and businesses to one another.

Tech Update for Baby Boomers
Town program runs workshops introducing technology to the "sandwich" generation.
Technology permeates the very core of our existence, from computers and phones that think they’re computers to social media.

Reaching the Unreachable
Inspirational "Man of La Mancha" arrives at Alden Theatre.
An enduring work of musical theater, the Tony Award-winning "Man of La Mancha" is coming to the Alden Theatre, courtesy of the McLean Community Players. Inspired by Miguel de Cervantes' "Don Quixote," it is the musicalized quest of a knight daring to confront wickedness, trying to make the world better.
Shopping Bags’ History
McLean resident's bag collection presents history ‘worth preserving and telling.’
To most people, the shopping bag is the most mundane of objects, used and then quickly forgotten about once the contents are removed.

Panel Addresses College Drinking
Unified Prevention Coalition hosts event at McLean High School.
The Unified Prevention Coalition of Fairfax County and the McLean High School PTSA presented "Perils of the College Drinking Culture" Wednesday, Jan. 11. The program featured a panel of speakers who discussed the health and legal consequences of underage and binge drinking, as well as a short film.

Troop 673 Promotes Two Eagle Scouts
BSA Troop 673 of Great Falls held its first Eagle Court of Honor on Saturday, Jan. 7 at Great Falls United Methodist Church promoting the Troop’s two young members - Conner Max Pierce and Peter Michael Arcoria - as the most recent Eagle Scouts.
Great Falls History Revisited
Ken Garrett and Julia Runnels, who discussed local history dating as far back as the early 1700s at our January Society program, made the point very clearly: We live in a community that is teaming with historical significance. The Great Falls Historical Society has been performing the mission of identifying, documenting, and obtaining many historical designations to secure our history for future generations since its founding by Milburn Sanders in 1977.
Wednesday, January 18
Column: Left To My Own Devices
And a lot of good it’s doing me. I may be able to do what I want, but I don’t really have a clue as to what it is I want to do – or can do.
Monday, January 16

Democrats Launch Primary Campaign
Candidates are eager to win back two seats lost in the last election cycle.
Six candidates officially launched their campaigns this week at a meeting of the Alexandria Democratic Committee, and several more are expected in the coming weeks.
Wednesday, January 11
Column: Write From The Heart
Obviously I find comfort in writing. Obviously I have some need to put down on paper that which is in my head. In fact, evidence suggests that cancer patients who write about their feelings have some kind of improved quality of life and/or longer life expectancy.
Friday, January 6

Flint Hill School Transitioning to MacBook Air
Flint Hill School, whose advanced integration of technology into the teaching and learning process is earning national recognition, has announced that it is upgrading its existing 1:1 laptop program in Grades 5-12 from the current MacBook to the new, state-of-the-art 11" MacBook Air.

Salvation Army Singers Serenade Great Falls Shoppers
Shoppers at Great Falls Safeway were in for a treat on Dec. 20, as they were serenaded by Salvation Army volunteers.

Helping Neighbors, Respectfully
Area residents donate 23,746 hours to help Food for Others fight hunger.
"Volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization, and we view volunteers as our partners in the fight against hunger." — Roxanne Rice, executive director of Food for Others
Six High School Seniors Receive Award
On Nov. 16, the Optimist Club of Greater Vienna presented six High School Seniors with the Carol Waite Brennan award for scholastic excellence.
Week in Vienna
Events, awards and community information for Vienna and Oakton.
Column: “Scanxiety”
The meaning being: the anxiety one feels waiting for, and awaiting the results of, a diagnostic scan.
Thursday, January 5

Madison High Goes for the Gold
The James Madison High School Varsity Dance team took home the gold at the 2011 George Mason University Dance Team Invitational this past weekend.

Vienna Police Note Common Crimes
Town Police Focus on Prevention
"The most common problem we had in 2011 is theft from unlocked vehicles." -- Public Information Officer Bill Murray

Bombers’ Way to Give Back
Volunteering at Food for Others on Wednesday, Dec 14, the Vienna Bombers 13U Travel Baseball Team sorted a variety of foods into bags to be distribution-ready for clients.

Helping Children in Kenya
Oakton private school raises $3,500 for school in Nairobi.
"We are very blessed to have such a responsive community. It’s just $3,500 to us, but it means the world to them." -- Marjorie Veiga, Dominion Christian School’s committee chair for mission projects
Opinion: Competitive Bidding Reduces Costs
Introducing Fair and Open Competition in Government Contracting Act.
HB 33 prohibits Virginia and recipients of state funding from requiring or prohibiting contractors to enter into union agreements, such as a project labor agreement (PLA), as a condition of winning any state-assisted construction contracts.
Week in McLean
Week in McLean: Town Hall Meetings, Honors & Events

Honoring Mrs. Liappis
The Churchill Road Elementary School staff honored Margaret Liappis at a reception on Friday, Dec. 9. Liappis retired last year after 31 years of service in Churchill’s cafeteria.

Master Minds Win Regional Tournament, Place Fourth in State
The "Master Minds" First Lego Robotics Team from Cooper Middle and Spring Hill Elementary Schools in McLean won the Division 2 First Lego League "Food Factor" Regional Tournament held Nov. 20 at George Mason University.

Sending Gifts to the ‘Buddy School’
As part of their holiday celebrations, Churchill Road students participated in a variety of community service projects.

Lewinsville Road Bridge Being Demolished
Starting on or about Tuesday, Jan. 3, the Capital Beltway HOT Lanes Project will begin removing the old Lewinsville Road Bridge.

MCC, Water Rates to Mark 2012
Possible community center expansion, change in water providers on the horizon in 2012.
"We don’t want to make any decision about the future without first doing our due diligence." -- MCC Board President Kevin Dent

Celebrating 100th Birthday
On New Year, McLean resident turns 100.
While we’re all celebrating the beginning of 2012, Margaret "Bunny" Ursin will be celebrating her 100th birthday. Bunny still leads a very active life, promoting the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise, and continually striving to help others.
Great Falls Resident Steven P. Mullins appointed to George Mason University Board of Visitors
Great Falls resident Steven P. Mullins, Chief Financial Officer and President of SPM Consulting, was appointed by Gov. Bob McDonnell to a four year term on the George Mason University Board of Visitors.

Gilbert Exhibits at the Great Falls Tavern, D.C. and Bethesda
Great Falls artist Robert Gilbert is starting 2012 with three parallel exhibits, one of which is an exhibit with 13 paintings at the Great Falls Tavern, 9835 Georgetown Pike in Great Falls through March 1.
Wednesday, January 4

Santa Comes to St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church
On Dec. 20, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church held their annual children’s Christmas party. Children were able to create Christmas crafts, have their pictures taken with the one and only Saint Nick, and enjoy a delicious hot dog dinner.

Great Falls Looks Ahead to 2012
Great Falls Looks Ahead to 2012
Last year saw progress on several issues around Great Falls, issues that will affect residents for generations to come.